Venetian Carnival Masks: 10 tips for 2020

Venetian Carnival Masks: 10 tips for 2020 Carnival in Venice, one on the tight circle of the world’s oldest and most famous Mardi Gras. It is an ensemble of colours and lights that come alive in the wonderful city of Venice where the streets and canals make everything more magical. During the Carnival the city takes on a new form, it becomes a sort of enchanted countryside where the “actors” become leading players by wearing the accessory that has always distinguished this magnificent celebration: The Venetian Mask.

The Venetian Carnival and Venetian Masks, a combination that has lasted almost 1,000 years and that has no intention to ceasing. Here are our tips for taking on the 2020 celebration with the 10 Masks par excellence of the Venetian Carnival.

Let us discover them together:

Masks of the Commedia dell’Arte:

  1. Arlecchino (Harlequin): Columbina’s (Columbine) companion that originated in Bergamo. This Venetian Mask is probably the most famous of all the tradition. This is a lively character with a shrewd and astute act who is always ready to deceive and to play pranks. The costume made of patches of the most varied colours is its most distinctive characteristics.

  2. Zanni: is the servant par excellence. He has assumed two different connotations over time. It is sometimes described as a sly, astute and intriguing mask and other times as a fool and a simpleton

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Traditional Venetian Carnival Masks:

  1. Bauta: this is the Venetian disguise par exellence that ensures the greatest freedom and total anonymity. Its peculiarity is the upper lip that is deformed and lengthened to deform the voice of those who wear it so they cannot be identified. According to tradition it is proper and courteous for each to greet the others Bauta as they meet.

  2. Medico della Peste (Plague Doctor): this was created from need, the mask was worn during the plagues of the medieval period. Its long nose contained a sort of filter made up of disinfecting salts and aromatic herbs that it was believed filtered the air. Subsequently this Venetian Mask took on, in the ritual of the Venetian Carnival, a superstitious and exorcistical meaning in regard to every contagious disease.

  1. Moretta: this is a typically female Venetian Mask. Its oval shape covered the face and a button between the lips attached to the mouth was required to support it. This did not allow the women who wore it to speak and this was appreciated by men because it gave the female figure the mysterious fascination of silence.

Original Venice® Masks:

  1. Fidelio: This is a completely gold face with an impenetrable expression. This mask came from the idea of representing a mysterious and fascinating person who could seduce without ever showing his true face.

  2. Anima Nocte: this is a completely hand painted black and gold face that is enriched with thick black feathers which make the woman who wears it an undisputed queen. This is the perfect choice to be the queen for the night.

  3. Diamond Skull: This is a lavish baroque style mask. It is enriched with rhinestones and incised details that are finished by hand. It is a must have for all collectors of Venetian Masks.

  4. Leather Libera: This is a precious leather mask that is completely malleable and adapts perfectly to the face of those who wear it. Leather masks are not part of the tradition but they have begun to take an important part in the scene, also thanks to unique pieces just like this model.

  5. Joker: The Joker in a timeless creature of the night that has always been described as a character that is reflected in its intrinsic madness. This is the perfect mask to take on the craziest Carnival in the world

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